Monday, November 22, 2010

Hard Luck continues…

Our weekend started off on a high note Friday night with Nicholas breaking his foot. He was riding his motorcycle in a steel cage while trying to feed a tiger and jump through a ring of fire. The tiger jumped up and knocked him off the bike and the motorcycle fell on his foot. Luckily he narrowly escaped being caught on fire as he flew threw the flames on the way down. It was pretty bad ass!!!

Okay so that was not entirely true… I may have elaborated a little. Nicholas was cleaning up the backyard getting ready for the HEAVY rain this weekend. He stepped on a piece of lumber and rolled his foot. He heard a loud crack and knew instantly that is was broken. He came inside and elevated it. When he took off his shoe it was already swollen and bruising. He wanted to wait and see what happened the next morning. When he woke up it was even bigger and 10 times more painful. So we took B to the in-laws and headed to the Emergency Room. 4 hours later the X-rays are in and its defiantly broken. They didn’t have an orthopedic on call so they splinted his foot and sent us home with a referral and Vicodin.

Baines face is blurry in this one but its so cute because she was laughing so hard.

We also missed our friends Scott & Jeanie's son Demetri's birthday party. I was so looking forward to going. We love hanging out with those guys so it was a bummer. They did a Nintendo Mario theme party with Mustaches and all! Also they are expecting another little one in December. I wanted to see Jeanie's little belly.

Did I also mention the HEAVY rain? Yes it rained like crazy which it bad of our new construction with NO roof. Nicholas and his father covered it with our giant tarp but the rain brought a friend with it call hurricane winds. The winds ripped the tarp from the roof and water leaked everywhere. Including into our existing bathroom because there is hole in the ceiling where they had to attached steel pieces to hold the new roof. So before the next storm (tomorrow), we have to buy another huge tarp. Blahhhahh
It did make me happy to decorated for Christmas yesterday. I know it’s early but I have to go to Texas the 30-3rd and I don’t want to come home and do it then. So it’s all done and I can enjoy Baines and a festive house when I return.

Also my parents and Dustin are coming to visit on Wednesday and I can’t wait! I’m so excited for my dad to see Baines since he’s only seen her once (when she was born). Also Dustin’s going to meet her for the first time!!! This Thanksgiving is going to be super fun!

1 comment:

  1. We love hanging with you guys too! I hope Nicolas feels better soon. Ouch!!
