The front wall of our house at the porch is SO OVERLY REINFORCED it is crazy. The wall is only 19 feet long with two windows and a door but the structural engineer felt it needed some beefing up. One of the things the plans call for is four 4x6 posts with HD hold down brackets attached to 7/8' bolts epoxied into the existing footings. Well the existing footing are a foot down so I had to borrow a hammer drill with a 3' drill bit. On Friday I spent most of my day off drilling the 4 holes and setting the bolts into the foundation. I've already got 4 days into this wall and still do not have the new windows or door installed.
We went to the Pumpkin Patch before Halloween and I meant to post these pictures. It's still Fall and pumpkins make a good decoration for Thanksgiving so it's still relevant right?
This Pumpkin Patch was awesome, not like the ones they have in Utah. It was a full blown fair. I had no idea since I'd never had a reason to go before having a child. We rode the Carousel, went to the petting zoo, Nicholas took Baines in the haunted mirrors (that didn't go over too well), and Baines' favorite was the Pumpkin Bounce house. We had to use 3 tickets because she didn't want to leave. Aside from the few crazy carnies it was a good time.
It’s been a long time since I had a chance to write an update on Baines and now that she’s 15 months old I thought I should get to it. Here is some info about the little Baines.
• Her vocabulary is ever expanding. She staring to put words together. The other day when I dropped her off at Nana’s she said “Bye Mom, See ya” It was so cute.
• Not all words come out right. My favorite things she says are mis pronounced like Meow is a cat, alloon is a Balloon. Neck and ear is Necklace and earrings. Banky her favorite blankets.
• The terrible two’s have already started. Girl knows how to throw a wicked temper tantrum.
• Baby Dolls are still her favorite. She carries them around feeding bottles. She also loves her purse and filling it with our remote controls.
• She’s also obsessed with jewelry. I don’t know where she would have picked that up….Oh right maybe me! She has to wear a Neck all the time. She also has a bunch of bracelets. Nicholas put them on her feet the other day and now she always wants you to put them on as anklets.
• Being outside is her favorite thing. When we put her shoes on she get so excited because she knows its time to go outside. Rocks and bugs are the best things to look for.
• When ever she wants something she points and says “this, this!” When you finally figure out what she’s pointing at she does a little jig with excitement.
• She loves to color but crayons aren’t as cool as a pen and paper. She likes to walk around making little notes. Nicholas calls her the building inspector.
We had a really fun time with our baby owl on Halloween although she is still unsure about the holiday. The first house we went to she started crying when the guy said hi. It was really funny/ sad. Also her costume was too big and she wasn’t digging the limited mobility. Towards the end of the block she was having fun carrying her owl bucket and shaking her candy around. When we got back to Nicholas Brothers house we took off her costume and then she was enjoying herself. She didn’t really care for the candy but she was obsessed with the Carpi Sun drinks they had. We don’t give her juice yet so I think it was like liquid crack. We let her have a whole one and she carried it around all night even after it was gone. She was totally juice drunk!