So far I’ve had two dreams about our baby. Both have been about finding out the sex. In the first, we found we are having a boy. I was holding a can of coke, I threw it against the wall and it sprayed everywhere. I was so pissed and upset. I don’t know why… I really don’t care what we have, I’ll be happy either way. I actually assume we are having a boy because that is the majority on both sides of the family. Also Nicholas thinks it’s a boy and he is convincing me.
In the second dream, we found out we were having a girl. My heart felt so full and I was so emotional. We also called her by the name we have chosen. It was so weird because the dream felt so real. I woke up with my hand on my tummy and I felt so connected with the baby. I know it’s just a dream but it was a strange sensation. I guess subconsciously I want a girl?
How sad if we have a boy, he’ll have to listen to the story about his mom throwing a coke for the rest of his life.
I think you're having a girl. Or really, I hope you're having a girl. Then my baby will have someone to marry.