So this week I am being a single mother. Nicholas is in North Carolina for a week working. I know I travel a lot and I’m sure he misses me but I REALLY MISS HIM. I had a doctor’s appt on Monday. Nothing special just my usual month follow up. Normally Nicholas is the only guy there but yesterday I was the only single girl. Everyone had their husbands with them. It was really weird, almost like the universe wanted me to miss him more. Then when I was sitting in the room waiting for the doctor to come in, I wished he was there. He always calms my nerves. He is usually full of funny jokes and wants to touch everything in the room. It drives me crazy but it’s funny seeing him mess with the birth control information diagrams. As most of you know he is still a 10 year old boy inside and can’t sit still. Not only is he comic relief but It’s really nice to have his input and comments. He really is so interested in the whole process.
During this appointment we reviewed the details from our Ultrasound. They took measurements to make sure that Baby B is growing just right. As you know I’m a glass is half empty kind of girl and was really nervous that something would be wrong. Fortunately everything looked great. Baines is growing just as she should. The only issue was my placenta, as I mentioned in a previous post, its located at the bottom of my uterus covering my cervix. This is called placenta previa, it would mean that I am unable to have a natural birth. My doctor was not that concerned because it generally moves as the pregnancy progresses. I will have another Ultrasound in a few weeks and if it hasn’t moved then we will start scheduling a C-section. I’m not worried about it yet, I’ll wait to see how things go before I stress out.
Not only do I miss Nicholas but the puppies do too! When he is gone both dogs are always on edge listening to every noise hoping it’s him. I’m usually in bed almost asleep before they give up on him coming home and join me. Last night both dogs sleep with me inside the pregnancy pillow. We have a king size bed and all they wanted to be right next to me. I think it’s because they want to be close to Baines, with that thought I didn’t mind. In fact they can cuddle with me and Baines any night.