Thursday, August 18, 2011

Breaking her fever & having fun!

We had a rocky start to Baines second year. On her birthday she came down with her first fever. Poor little thing was so uncomfortable and we couldn’t do anything to help. Tylenol and Motrin didn’t really help to reduce the fever. We took her to the Doctor and he said she probably caught a virus and we would just have to wait for it to work its way out of her system. After about 3 days and 3 VERY long nights the fever broke. She went back to being her funny self. It was so sad to see her in pain but I loved that she was so cuddly.

Since her birthday we’ve had tons of new fun things to play with. She loves the Swing, tunnel and Bike seat she got.

We also got her a little chair from IKEA. Its her new favorite place to drink a bottle and watch Yo Gabba Gabba. It also makes a great place to put her toys. She loves putting her friends in the seat.

We are having SO much fun with her right now. I just love this stage. She’s really funny and thinks we are too! Here are some of my favorite recent pictures.

Last night we walked to the grocery store by our house. Baines wanted to hold an apple on the way home. Nicholas cut a chunk out of the side. She chewed on it the whole way home. Then when we got home she carried it around with her all night. She was even walking around the house while eating it.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE that chair picture with the leg up! Evan likes to do that with his leg too. So casual.
