Saturday, March 5, 2011

7 Months

My Bubbies turned 7 Months on Thursday. This marks a huge accomplishment for me. When I was pregnant, I set a goal for myself to breastfeed until she was 7 months old. I knew it was going to be hard but didn't know all the obstacles I would have to overcome. For me it was the most unnatural, natural thing I had ever done. She had a hard time latching on in the beginning so it was frustrating and emotional. I was lucky enough to get a great Lactation Consultant that really helped. Once we passed over the first hurdles it was easy.

When I went back to work I almost lost my milk and had to pump like crazy and take herbs that made me smell like maple syrup. Even though the past few months have been interesting with all my travels, I still kept going. I had to pump while driving down the freeway on my way to an appointment in Houston. In Vegas, during the Trade Show I had to duck behind a pillar. I've had to overnight milk home because our milk supply has depleted since I've been gone so much.

I am so proud to say that I am a FULL TIME working mom that is still nursing. Now that I made it this far I'm going to keep going.


  1. Great job McCall. I can't imagine how hard that must be... you are the best mom! Baines looks so happy! Mommy milk is the best for babies and it shows! xoxo

  2. That is impressive! Not only that, but you're a full time working mom AND traveling mom. Kudos!
